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2016-07-13 01:21

摘要:对全国建筑企业市场监督管理系统分析后,建筑企业市场监督管理系统包括部、省、市3级,其系统又分为建筑企业管理子系统、勘察设计管理子系统、招投标管理子系统、工程监理管理子系统、工程质量管理子系统、执业人员管理子系统。本次毕业设计我是对市1级的建筑企业管理子系统进行开发和设计,系统基于C/S模式,采用Visual Basic作为前台开发工具,数据库平台采用 SQL sever2000,系统实现了企业基本情况管理、企业资质情况管理、企业获奖情况管理、企业处罚情况管理、企业主要机械设备管理、企业机构主要人员管理、企业代表工程管理等功能。通过对系统进行模块、集成、确认测试后,系统正确实现了对信息的添加、删除、修改、信息分类的模糊查询、查询信息的打印输出等功能,建筑企业管理信息系统运行稳定、可靠。
关键字:管理信息系统;C/S;模糊查询 。
Design and implement of the building enterprise management information system
Abstract:After analysising the building enterprise market management information system of the whole country, the whole country building enterprise market management information system includes the department, province, city x-rated, its system is divided into the building enterprise management sub- system and investigating and designing management sub- system, recruit to bid to management sub- system, reason management sub- system, the engineering quantity management sub- system, keep the industry personnel management sub- system.This graduation design manages the sub- system to carry on the development and design to the first-degree building building enterprise of city, system base on the mode of C/ S, under the environments of the Visual Basic and the SQL severs 2000 , carried out the basic circumstance of building enterprise management, the business enterprise natural intelligence circumstance management, the business enterprise meets with the main personnel of the prize circumstance management, building enterprise punishment circumstance management, the business enterprise main machine equipments management, the business enterprise organization to manage, business enterprise representative engineering management etc. function.Deliver, after carrying  on the mold piece and gather to the system, confirm the test, the system exactitude carries out to increase, delete, modify to the information, the information carry on classification misty search, customer search the information carries on print to output etc function, the building enterprise management system can circulate stability, credibility. (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕac.cOM编辑)
Keywords : Management information system; C/ S;Misty search.


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