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摘要:J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition) 是近年来随着各种不同设备,尤其是移动通信设备的飞速发展而诞生的1项新的开发术。它定位在消费性电子产品的应用上,对设备的智能化,多样化,提供了革命性的解决方案,并因其“Write Once, run anywhere”的JAVA特性而提高开发的效率。随着手机的日益普及、JAVA功能在移动设备上的实现,JAVA应用程序产生的手机增值服务逐渐体现出其影响力,对丰富人们的生活内容、提供快捷的资讯起着不可忽视的作用。本着眼于J2ME技术的应用,开发1款可查询本地公交车次的手机程序——湘潭公交查询系统。本程序将老少皆宜的经典作品移植到手机上来,为更流行的硬件平台提供应用软件。 本介绍了手机的软硬件特性、J2ME的相关技术及本程序的结构分析和具体功能的实现,该系统是以Eclipse为平台编写的,在此基础上了解并且巩固有关JAVA,J2ME方面的知识。本文阐述了如何在windows xp环境下开发J2ME平台,并在此基础上完成湘潭公交查询系统的编写。只需要手机用户根据自己的情况输入起点,终点站,就可以方便,快捷查询出相应的公交车次情况。
关键字:J2ME ;JAVA ;Eclipse;公交查询系统
Based on J2ME PDA/Handset Programming - Xiangtan Public Transportation Inquiry System
Abstract:J2ME is a kind of quick-developing technology implemented on various devices especially mobile communication equipments. It focuses on application for consumptive electronic products, providing revolutionary solution to the intelligentization and diversification of the equipment. It hightens the efficiency of the development process with its “Write Once, run anywhere” JAVA natural advantages. When cell phone`s getting more popular nowadays, with the implementation of JAVA technology on mobile equipment, increment of capital on communication service shows its conviences for people’s everyday life, providing them faster i.nformation just in hand. This dissertation focuses on the implementation of J2ME technology and has developed a suite run on mobile phones—Xiangtan public transportation inquiry system. It transports the classical product to mobile phones, offering corresponding software for much more popular hardware platform. This graduate thesis introduced the software and hardware features of mobile phone, J2ME and its related technology as well as the analysis of the structure and procedures to achieve specific functions, The system is based on Eclipse, and for further ad-posses, JAVA and J2ME related technology is studied .This thesis introduced the programming of J2ME platform in windowsXP development envirment., and made the Xiangtan public transportation inquiry system completed. To check out the trips concerned, inputting the predicate station and terminal is only needed.Very conveniently and quickly indeed. (科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)
Keywords:J2ME; JAVA;Eclipse;Public Transportation Inquiry System