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2016-07-11 01:14

摘 要 :近年来,Intemet有了蓬勃的发展。1方面,主干网和接入网速率不断提高,为各种宽带应用提供了必需的硬件基础设施;另1方面,越来越多的人愿意交互式地观看音视频节目,这1切都为视频点播技术的发展创造了良好的条件。VOD即视频点播是利用视频服务器存储视频节目和其它多媒体信息,通过传输网络和客户端设备向用户提供交互式视频服务的系统。其中视频服务器是VOD系统的核心,它的稳定程度和性能,关系到整个系统的性能。当前的视频点播普遍存在如下1些问题:视频点播服务器容量有限,1旦超出容量就无法再提供新的视频点播服务;缺乏负载均衡的能力;容错性差。
详细讲解了利用ASP、SQL Server2000、FlashMX2004、DreamweaverMX2004、Helix Server等软件工具来开发在线视频服务系统的过程。并简要介绍了流煤体技术和Internet及Web技术的发展,本次设计内容主要有以下6个方面: 1.系统概述:主要是ASP的工作原理及其技术的介绍; 2.系统设计:主要是系统要实现的目标的设计,及整个系统的框架和模块的设计;3.数据库设计与实现:主要是数据库的连接的实现,和网页数据库的简介;4.网站的整体设计:该部分主要是CSS样式表的设计和实现;5.前端网络页面的开发与设计:该部分主要包括了前台文件的总体架构和前台主要模块的详细介绍;6.后台系统网络的开发与设计:该部分主要对后台文件的架构做了详细说明。
关键词:ASP;SQL Server2000;VOD视频服务系统;Dream weaver MX2004。

The Design of VOD video service system Based-on-ASP
Abstract:The internet has grown rapidly in recent years.The bandwidth of the network, both bone network and the local access network is becoming larger and larger, which provide necessary infrastructure for broadband applications. More and more people


prefer to access information interactively. All of these create excellent condition for the development of the VOD technology Video on demand (VOD), with the Video Server (VS) storing the video programs and other multimedia information, provides the clients with interactive video service through the transmission network and Consumer Premises Equipment (CPE). Of all the parts, VS is the core of the VOD, its stability and performance decided the performance of the whole system. There are some problems in current VOD systems: The volume is limited, once the volume reaches its limitation, VOD systems cant provide service for new request; lack of load balance; poor failure recovery. This discourse was detailed to explain the exploitation of ASP, Microsoft Access2000, FlashMX, DreamwearMX Helix server...etc. software tool creation" according to Setting-up and development of systematic websites of the service of the online video . And brief introduction the development of Streaming Media technology and Internet , technical development in Webs, for following odd the content of designing: this thesis is divided into six parts primarily, one by one in order for 1.The system says all: Mainly is the introduction of the ASP work principle and technique; 2.The system design: Mainly are the design of the target that the system wants to carry out and the design of the whole frame of system and the mold piece ;3.The database design and realization: Mainly is the realization of the conjunction of the database, with the brief introduction of the web page database; 4.The overall design of the website: That part mainly is the design of the CSS style form and its carries out ;5.The development and the design of the head network page:That part mainly included the detailed introduction of the total structure and the main mold pieces of the stage document ;6.The development and the design of the backstage system network: That part mainly did to elaborate on to the structure of the backstage document.
Key words: ASP;SQL Server2000;Dreamweaver2004 MX;VOD systems。


    上一篇:基于MVC设计模式的人事管理系统 下一篇:Web服务发现综述