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2016-07-11 01:14

摘要:  Web服务是“1次发布,到处可用”的新型Internet组件,支持服务复用和组合,对提高网络软件生产效率和产品质量具有重要意义。Web服务发现是指客户以某种方式在不同类型的Web服务中找到其想要的服务,以执行Web服务请求。在动态、多样的Internet服务市场中,发现合适的服务是实现服务共享、复用的重要前提。Web服务发现的效果直接关系服务复用的质量,影响到服务组合的相容性和可替换性,关系到能否真正实现服务的“即插即用”。Web 服务发现是Web 服务系统架构中的1个重要部分。Web 服务发现的传统解决方案是UDDI,即基于关键词匹配和简单分类进行服务发现,但是缺乏对服务质量(QoS)的描述而难以为用户选择最佳服务。支持QoS约束的Web服务发现模型— WSDM-Q弥补了这个缺点,但因没有任何语义信息,所以不能满足用户提出的基于服务功能描述寻找服务的功能。目前基于语义的Web服务发现方案主要是从描述逻辑和本体两方面,故就基于本体的Web 服务发现进行了探讨。
关键字:  Web服务;Web服务发现;QoS;语义Web;描述逻辑;本体

Survey on Web Services Discovery
Abstract :  The Web service is “a publication that can be used everywhere” new Internet module, and supports the service multiplying and the combination, to enhances the network software production efficiency and the product quality has the vital significance. The Web service discovery is refers to the customer to find its wish by some way in the different type Web service the service, carries out the Web service request.in dynamic, diverse Internet service market, discovered the appropriate service is realizes service sharing, the multiplying important premise. The Web service discovery effect direct relations service multiplying quality, affects the service combination compatibility and the replaceability, whether relates the true realization service “Plug and play”.  The Web service discovery is in a Web service system construction important part, UDDI is one kind of solution. UDDI is carries on the service discovery based on the key word match and the simple classification, but lacks best serves with difficulty to quality of service (QoS) description for the user choice.  Supported QoS restraint Web service discovery model - WSDM-Q to make up this shortcoming, because but did not have any semantic information, therefore could not satisfy the user to propose seeks the service based on the service functional description the function. At present,the Web service discovery plan based on semantic mainly is from the description logic and the main body two aspects, therefore on has carried on the discussion based on the main body Web service discovery. (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
Key words:  Web service;  Web service discovery;  QoS;  Semantic Web;  description logic;  ontology


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