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2016-07-18 01:00



    经过如此分析,使用Visual Basic6.0集成开发工具,vb提供了强大、方便、快捷的编程环境,实现了编程的高度自动化,尤其是数据窗口这1能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。 (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)
关键词  原型法 ;   数据1致性 ;  数据窗口 

  The personnel information  management system
Abstract  Along with the high technology of the society, the economy of the merchandise turn efficiently benefit, make the application of the calculator have already make widely available each realm of the economy and social activities.The time idea of the high mightiness for adapting the modern and social people, the personal management system software is an organization, group, the business unit, business enterprise, the company personal management of etc. brought the tremendous convenience.The personal management system can provide the dependable information storage and fast search meanses for the customer.The people use the way management  personnel file of the tradition artificial, this kind of management the way exists many weakness.Along with science technical raise continuously, the calculator be gradually maturing, its strong function hases already been deep for people to know, it hases already entered the each realm of the society of mankind to erupt to flick the more and more important function.Be the calculator a part of the application, use the calculator to the unit of the personnel file information carry on the management.Have the advantage that the handicraft management cant compare to.For example:Inspect quick, check to seek the convenience, the credibility is high, saves to have great capacity, confidentiality good, the life span is long, low etc. of cost.These advantages can raise an efficiency of unit personal management biggest.Therefore, develop thus a set of affair that manages the soft machine to become having the necessity very much, it can embody, the personnel information of the management unit of the rationalization, understand the work principle of the calculator with the mode of thinking that the structure turn.The personnel information  management system is the typical information  management system( MIS), it mainly develop the establishment and maintenances and head application procedures of include the backstage databases develop two aspects.Request the data consistency, integrity, safety for the former good.But then request the applied  procedure function to the latter complete, easy usage etc. characteristics.


    Through such analysis, I use the Visual Basic6.0 to gather the development tool, the vb provided the strong, convenient and fast plait  distance environment, carrying out the high automation of the plait distance, is the intelligence that this ability of the data window way is convenient and simple and direct to manipulate the database to turn the object particularly, build up the system application prototype in the in a short time first, then, start the prototype system to carry on the need  generation to the beginning, revise and improve continuously, until formation the customer is satisfied and can go the system.
Keywords  Prototype Method ; Date consistency ; DataWindow


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