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2016-07-22 01:12


The Therory and Application of Public Key
Abstract:There are two types technology for encrypting, One is grouping encrypt and the other is common keycode encrypt.The first one is discovered its intrinsic flaw as the cryptology entering in net communicantion period. However the later is geting more and more important. This paper introduces two public keycode encrypt technicals (RSA ECC) , At first ,its introduced the history and the development of the cryptology , particuly incite the mathmatics theory of the ECC and the RSA. Then it is introduced the arithmetic of the ECC and RSA with detail of realizing.It is demonstrate the function of RSA ,Which is used to realism by a exercise example. At last did the summary to the characteristics of ECC algorithm and RSA algorithm respectively. Compared them ,so get the weak points of RSA.This system regards vc++ as the programming tool, It has realized a basic RSA common key register system.By encrypting and decrypting the username,The system use the digital underwriter function of RSA to guarante the user to register right .Systems interface very friendly, function is clear as your first glance.It is easy to use.


Key words: encrypt;DES;RSA;decipher


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