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2016-08-01 01:01

目  录
前  言 1
1 项目开发背景与目标 2
1.1 项目开发背景 2
1.2 项目开发的目标 2
1.3 系统开发的方法 2
2 系统开发工具介绍 3
2.1 Internet与Web发展历程 3
2.2 系统开发工具介绍 4
2.2.1 Java简介 4
2.2.2 JSP 概述 5
2.2.2 TOMCAT概述 7
2.2.4 SQL Server概述 10
2.2.5 Dreamweaver概述 11
3 系统设计与实现 13
3.1 服务器配置 13
3.2 配置Web站点 13
3.2.1 JDK的配置 13
3.2.2 Tomcat的配置 15
3.3 操作流程 16
3.4 系统目标 17
3.5 功能分析 17
3.6 数据库设计 18
3.6.1创建数据库 18
3.6.2 数据表结构 18
3.7网站整体架构 21
3.7.1 CSS样式表设计 21
3.7.2 编写JavaBean 23
3.8 前台主要功能模块设计 23
3.8.1 功能模块的总体框架 23
3.8.2 网上报名模块 25
3.8.3 录取信息查询模块 27
3.8.4 招生快讯模块 27
3.8.5 报名须知模块 28
3.8.6 视频点播 29
3.8.7 专业介绍模块 29
3.9 后台主要功能模块设计 30
3.9.1 后台总体架设 30
3.9.2 后台登陆模块 32
3.9.3 回馈录取信息模块 32
3.9.4 招生快讯模块 33
3.9.5 报名须知 35
3.9.6 播放视频文件 37
3.9.7 专业介绍 40
结论 42
参考文献 43
致谢词 44

摘要:在Internet飞速发展的今天,电子数字计算机是20世纪重大科技发明之1,而互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,它在人们政治、经济、生活等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。Internet上发布信息主要是通过网站来实现的,获取信息也是要在Internet“海洋”中按照1定的检索方式将所需要的信息从网站上下载下来。因此网站建设在Internet应用上的地位显而易见,为了适应信息时代发展,提高招生效率和办学水平,实现现代化大学的运行机制和高水平的管理,体现大学自己的特色,使学校网络化已成为1流信息学校建设的重要组成部分,本学校网上招生系统,旨在探索1种以互联网为基础的招生模式,通过这种新的模式,为学校营造1种新的办学环境,使招生突破时空限制,扩大教学规模,提高学校知名度。而基于JSP,利用SQL Server 2000为数据库,以Dreamweaver开发的本招生系统实现了学校进行网上招生和高效的信息化管理。 中国大学排名

关键字:JSP;SQL Server 2000;Dreamweaver;

Design of recruitment students of school website based on JSP

Abstract:In Internet rapid development today, the electronic digital computer is one of 20th century significant science and technology inventions, but the Internet becomes the people to gain, the issue and the transmission information important channel fast, it in the people politics, the economy, the life and so on each aspect is playing the vital role. On Internet issued the information will mainly be, gains the information which realizes through the website also is must in Internet “the sea” the information which will need according to certain retrieval way from the website download. Therefore the website construction is obvious in the Internet application status,In order to adapt the information age development, enhances the recruitment of students efficiency and the school level, the realization modernization universitys operational mechanism and the high level management, manifests the university characteristic, causes the school network to become the first-class information school construction the important constituent, on this school net recruits students the system, is for the purpose of exploring one kind take the Internet as the foundation recruitment of students pattern, through this kind of new pattern, builds one kind of new school environment for the school, causes the recruitment of students breakthrough space and time limit, the expanded teaching scale, enhances the school well-knownness。But based on JSP, uses SQL Server 2000 is the database, realized the school by the Dreamweaver development this recruitment of students system to carry in the net the recruitment of students and the highly effective informationization management. (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)
This design divides into the onstage and the backstage two parts, the onstage mainly uses in contents and so on user browsing, inquiry registration notice, inquiry registration notice, specialized situation, school synopsis, and may on the net register or the inquiry enrollment result; The backstage mainly uses in the manager changing contents and so on registration notice, specialized information, recruitment of students quick news, and may process on the net to register the name list and so on. Causes the school in now the high speed information development time, has realized the high speed network informationization.

Key words:JSP;SQL Server 2000;Dreamweaver;
前  言


(科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

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