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摘 要
关键词:名词化 语法隐喻 1致式 级变化
While grammatical metaphor, transference of the semantic-grammatical relation in essence, is abundant in all adult discourse, nominalization, as one of the major sources of grammatical metaphor, is characteristic of scientific discourse In particular. English and Chinese, due to the difference in both notion and form, behave differently with respect to nominalization.
Key Words: nominalization grammatical metaphor
Congruent form rank shift
1. 引言
语法隐喻是人类认识世界的1种重要手段,它可以把事件、活动、情绪、思想等转化为实体(entity)(Lakoff & Jonson,1980)。Halliday(1985)指出,语法隐喻不是用1个词去代替另1个词,而是用某1语法类别或语法结构去代替另1语法类别或语法结构。
这两个类别分别代表了1个给定意义的两种表达变异,1致式(congruent form),即通常所说的“平白体”(literal)语言,和隐喻式(metaphorical form),即与1致式相对应的,在某种程度上经过了“转义”(transferred)的语言。