2015-09-28 01:12
导读:哲学论文论文,社会生态学的谱系比较及发展前瞻(1)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:摘 要:社会生态学研究存在两个主要谱系。对社会生态学两个主要谱系的比较
摘 要:社会生态学研究存在两个主要谱系。对社会生态学两个主要谱系的比较分析揭示了二者在有机整体世界观、肯定理性对解决生态问题的作用、分析生态问题的社会视角三个方面的一致性,以及在理论分析方法的侧重点、理论定位、理论贡献与实践影响三个方面的区别。两个谱系的一致性与区别对展望社会生态学的发展趋势、正确定位和推动中国社会生态学的深入研究,具有重要的启示意义。 关键词:社会生态学;美国社会生态学谱系;苏联—中国社会生态学谱系 Abstract: This paper makes a study of the two major pedigrees of social ecology research. By comparing, it is found that the two pedigrees have consistencies in the organic world outlook, recognition of the positive role of rationality in resolving ecological problems, and analysis of ecological problems from the social perspective. Besides, the differences of the two pedigrees lie in the focus of theoretical analyzing, theoretical positioning, theoretical contribution and practical influence. The comparative study of the two pedigrees is significant for the prospects of social ecology in proper positioning and promotion of the research.
Key words: social ecology; American social ecology pedigree; Soviet Union睠hina social ecology pedigree