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2013-06-29 01:28
导读:经济管理论文论文,煤炭行业的危机成因与对策研究(1)怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考: [摘要]虽然近年来党中央相继采取重大举措加强安全工作,但由于我
[摘要]虽然近年来党中央相继采取重大举措加强安全工作,但由于我国安全生产基础薄弱,保障体制和机制不健全,煤矿事故仍然频频发生。本文在阐述我国煤炭行业的现状和事故多发原因的基础上,针对存在的各类危机现象提出了相应的对策与建议,旨在把危机管理理论引入煤炭行业作一些有益的探讨。   [关键词] 煤炭行业;危机;危机管理;安全生产   Abstract: Despite all the continuous efforts to improve safe production in recent years, colliery accidents still take place frequently in China, due to the weak foundation and the insufficiency of safeguard in this regard. Nevertheless, the application of the crisis management theory in coal industry has not yet called forth public concerns. Based on the introduction of the current situation of coal industry in China and the causes of frequent accidents, the thesis aims at conducting an instructive discussion about the application of the crisis management theory to the coal industry, and producing countermeasures and suggestions to all kinds of existing crises.   Key words: crisis; crisis management; coal industry; colliery accidents; safe production
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