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2017-09-21 05:57
导读:经济管理论文论文,浅谈农用地价格评估(东北农业大学学士学位论文论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:摘  要:农用地价格评估是进行土地资源优化配置,实现土地资源可持续
摘  要:农用地价格评估是进行土地资源优化配置,实现土地资源可持续利用重要手段,农用地价格评估涉及的许多因素具有不确定性,这要求正视不确定性客观存在,在正确的理论指导下,才能协调好社会、经济和生态三效益的关系,本文试图在市场经济条件下探讨农用地价格评估的基础理论和方法。
关键词:农用地价格 土地估价 地租
Discussed shallowly the agriculture uses the price to appraise

Abstract: The agriculture uses the price appraisal is carries on the land resource optimization disposition, the realization land resource sustainable use important method, the agriculture uses the price to appraise involves many factors have the uncertainty, this request facing up to uncertainty objective existence, under the correct theory instruction, can coordinate good social, the economical and the ecology three benefit relations, this article attempts under the market economy condition to discuss the agriculture to use the basic theory and the method which the price appraised.
    Studies have suggested: With the development of the social economy of our country and constant completion of market economic system, assess and carry on innovative research the thinking of the theory, on the method and technology at the price of farming land of our country, enable and appraise the development.
Key words: Land apprised, price theory,Land-tax
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