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2013-12-15 01:14

[摘 要] 中小学音乐教育中的传统教育模式已不适应社会的发展,音乐教育改革在如火如荼中进行,怎样才能使音乐教育的步伐向前迈进呢,创新教育势在必行。本文谨针对传统的教学模式,在创新教育的必要性、如何去进行中小学音乐教育中的创新等几个方面阐述自己的观点,认为:无论是根据我国教育发展的现状,中小学学生的年龄、心理特点,还是中小学音乐教育的功能,创新教育已不可替代,并从音乐教育教学观念的创新、教学方法的创新、教学手段的创新等方面进1步论述了怎样去创新,从而达到素质教育的目的。

[关键词] 创新 音乐教育 主动性 愉悦性

Abstract:The traditional educational pattern in the music education of the middle and primary schools has not suitable for the development of the society yet. With the rapid pace of reforms in music education, the innovation must be implemented, to advance the music education. This paper is intended to express author’s arguments in the necessity of innovation and the measures of implementation. It is argued that the innovation education cannot be substituted with view to the current situation of Chinese educational development, characteristics of age and psychology in primary and middle schools. In addition, this thesis is devoted to the exploration of innovation of teaching idea, teaching method, teaching means, by which the end of quality –oriented education can be achieved.

Keywords: Innovation  Music education  Teaching idea  Teaching method  Teaching means


    上一篇:谈超级女声对中小学生的影响 下一篇:没有了