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2014-01-15 01:20


关键词:舞蹈教育  素质教育  理论  实践  意义  

Abstract: Any educational pattern and environment will all influence peoples whole quality , it often acts on peoples whole study and working course. The exam-oriented education is the one-sided quality-oriented education, the long-term exam-oriented education gives our talent quality to train and leave a lot of regrets, and university students training it cant already meet social developments demands because of its limitation either; And overall quality-oriented education refers to based on natural qualitying, under the guidance of the theories of modern pedagogy , sociology , psychology ,etc., train ability through education in the day after tomorrow environment , develop individual character , improve morality , science and culture , health psychology , labor skills quality of student in an all-round way. The dance educates a part which is regarded as overall quality-oriented education to have its unique education value and function. This text adopts the exposition in such respects as the value , function on dance theory educating and dance practical education ,etc., to know the important meaning in which dance educate in the quality-oriented education of ordinary university deeply.

Keywords: The dance educating   Quality-oriented education   Theory   Practise   Meaning (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕac.cOM编辑)

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