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2014-01-17 01:12

摘    要



The piano accompaniment is a special music performing arts, the piano accompaniment is the higher pedagogical colleges and universities music is a branch goalkeeper piano performance skill and the accompaniment theory melts to a body curriculum. The accompaniment class is intersects to the piano and composes music in a two specialties discipline. Also is has own unique content, the rule, logical and the characteristic discipline. Therefore accompanies belongs to the piano technology teaching the category. As for our student, both must be able to shoot the solo, and must be able to shoot the original spectrum accompaniment and extemporaneously to accompany, but also must be able to compose music in the specialty and the sound utilization, weaves body use and so on. The higher pedagogical colleges and universities broadly request the student aspect of knowledge, the comprehensive quality to be high, the overall curriculum all manifests the scientific nature, pedagogical which the pedagogical colleges and universities needs and the rationality. The piano accompaniment teaching has the special significance and the function in all these theories curriculum. The solo, With sings, the chorus as well as the solo, play with the accompaniment cooperation performance is again in music art one kind of comprehensive manifestation. The piano accompaniment is holds the post of the accompaniment by the sole musical instrument ordinariest and the effective one kind. It the accompaniment which creates including the composer and extemporaneously accompanies. (转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )
Key word:Piano accompaniment; Music education; Accompaniment figure

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