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2014-01-19 01:06

[摘要] 表达真实情感是声乐艺术的最终目的。不同的歌曲表达不同的情感,情感表现只有适应民族特点、地域特点,才能为观众理解。情感体验得越深刻,越丰富,演唱中情感体现才会越自然,越真挚,感染力也会越强烈。所以,我们在演唱中不能盲目地追求声音的外在质量,而忽视情感的体现。我们只有在平时加强情感分析能力,不断提高自身的文化艺术修养,才能准确地把握歌曲的感情基调,引起听众的共鸣。

[关键词] 情感;情感体验;途径

Abstract:Expresses the real emotion is the vocal music art final goal. The different song expression different emotion, the emotion performance only then the adaption national characteristics, the region characteristic, can understand for the audience. The emotion experiences profoundly, richly, sings the emotion to manifest only then can jump over the nature, more sincere, the power also can be more intense. Therefore, we cannot blindly pursue the sound in singer the external quality, but neglects the emotion manifesting. We only then usually are strengthening the emotion analysis ability, enhances own cultural art tutelage unceasingly, can accurately grasp the song the sentimental main key, causes audiences sympathetic chord.
 Key word:Emotion    Emotion experience    Way

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