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2014-01-25 01:29

[摘要] 舞蹈既是1种以人体动作为语言的艺术形式,它也是人们最好的1种抒情表意的方式。如何将自身情感和舞蹈动作达到完美的融合,这是我们进行舞蹈教学的1个重点,也是舞蹈教学发展的1个大势所趋。本文章就主要探讨在舞蹈教学的过程中,如何进行情感体验的培养,从学生对舞蹈作品感情内涵体验的深浅这1角度出发进行论证。教会学生如何准确、深刻和细致地体验舞蹈作品中的感情内涵,是舞蹈教学中感情体验的基本要求,也是我们在进行舞蹈教学中1个必不可少的环节。

[关键词] 舞蹈 教学 情感 体验

[Abstract]:The dance is a kind of art form taking human movement as language, a kind of best lyrical ways to express the meaning that it is people too. How to reach perfect integration of ones own emotion and dance movement, this is a focal point that we carry on dance teaching, it is a the trend of the times developed in dance teaching too. Article this discuss in the course of dance teaching , how carry on cultivation that emotion experience mainly, set out and prove from student to dance works emotional depth this angle that intension experience, experience the emotional intension in the dance works accurately , deeply and carefully , dance basic demand that emotion experience in the teaching, we one essential link among carrying on dance teaching too.
[Key words]: Dance Teaching Emotion Experience

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