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2014-01-22 01:28

摘   要



Nowadays, the education for all-round development is the main melody of the basic education reform. Music education is an important element in high school education that cannot be neglected, as it has great impacts on the form of students morals, intelligence, cordiality, mind and body health, which cannot be replaced by other disciplines. Thus, to highly concern about music education is the breakthrough of the reform in school education and also the effective act that can promote students develop all roundly, develop highly-qualified talents for the cross century construction. In this sense, school music education should take the teaching of educating as an aim, work hard to assist moral education with music, improve students intelligence, attain entertainment, keep students fit, improve students creativity and thus achieve the goal of educating them all roundly.
 Key words: character; education for all-round development; music education;
           impact 您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。

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