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2014-01-20 01:57

摘   要



The primary and junior high school music lesson is a required course, already having the history of hundred years in the our country.But the research start of the primary and junior high school music teaching to compare with night,.Reform along with the course of turn deeply, particularly is at should try the education toward education for all-round development to turn the background of the track under, the educational importance of the art of the school was already more and more know by the people.But the decade come to the noise of shouting of music education reform very high, but reform of tread the son not big.Affect the reason of music  course reform in education step there, how should we solve.This text carries on the analysis for this problem, and elaborated the oneself to this problem-solving and some projects.This text elaborated the general situation of my primary and junior high schools music  course teaching first.Then carry on to elaborate towards affecting the main factor of the primary and junior high school music  course reform in education, and take into the factor and the outside of school factors that the main factor is divided into the schools to generalize.Afterward, and carried on to the counterplan that these factors adopt to say all.


Keywords: The course value mindset;Music course value mindset;The emotion experience

    上一篇:情之所至,韵自出——论声乐演唱中的情感体现 下一篇:流行音乐与大学生校园文化生活