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2014-02-04 02:21

摘   要

    关键词:“单1性”;现状; 丰富;措施


What “sole”? “Sole” ? The sole teaching merthod refers to the pure music appreciation class is ordinary high school based on the regucation issued by China in July 1994 due to China’s examoriented education and relief of students ‘ academic study. As a resut, the monotonius metho hardly animinate students’ initiative. So it is necessary to multiply the merthods of music teaching to create a flexible, various , pleasing academic environment, so that students can experience different forms of music in various styles . Then students may voluntarily fall in love with music and music class and their initiative to learn music, which is what the “sole” teaching merthd can hardly achieve. The key points of this paper in cludes music teaching material, teaching technique, extracurricular activity. (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com
Key words: Unitarity; Present condition; Rich; Measure


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