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2014-02-05 01:16

摘   要



 In the piano performance, not absolute relaxes also does not have the absolute anxiety,
should be in the pine has tight, is tight has the pine, appropriatelies displays it. The
performance skill and the psychological factor play the pivotal role in the piano performanceprocess to use. In brief, relaxes in the piano performance the function on the camera center
lubricant, it causes the music to change vividly has the elasticity, left it, the qin sound
changes darkly discussed tarnishes. Therefore, child in will practice the piano in the process
to want relentlessly to pay great attention to the loose experience and the practice the loose
feeling trains for the custom, believed will be able to profit the vulgar。
Key words:in the entire study qin process; The technique; psychology; intense;

(科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)


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