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2014-02-10 01:17

摘   要



"Father" is a modern Chinese song, written by Che Xing and composed by Qi Jianbo. It is one of the representatives of numerous music patterns. Through careful search of related materials, repeated listening, and attempting to sing it, I have made a brief analysis of its processing while singing, and have concluded that one should process the song properly while singing it, so as to display the artistic features of songs before the audiences. The key of this thesis is how to artistically process the song, which contains the understanding and the summarizing. I try to examine the artistic features from the perspectives of the backgrounds of the song, the vocal control and consideration of emotion, in order to supply proper information for other singers to display the musical works in a better way.,
Key words:Father;Singing;Artistic processing

    上一篇:浅谈中学音乐课中的研究性学习 下一篇:浅谈”身韵“对古典舞的影响——在学习中”形