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2014-02-07 01:10

[摘  要]目前在我国钢琴学科是高师音乐教育的基础学科。所以本文从实际出发,参考国内外钢琴教学的有益经验,从从成年人的骨骼、肌肉发育方面思考抓钢琴基本功教学、培养高师音教学生钢琴实践能力的思考、加入“钢琴教学法”这1重要教学内容高师钢琴课程教学模式的建议、等方面对高师钢琴课程改革做了新的思考。

[关键词]高师音乐教育  高师钢琴   钢琴课  

Abstract: The piano discipline is basic discipline of high teachers music education in our country at present. So this text proceeds from the reality, consult the beneficial experience of domestic and international piano teaching, from the adults skeleton, muscle development ponder over stress piano basic training teaching, train the high teachers sound to teach the piano to student to practise the thinking of ability , join " piano teaching method " important content of courses high teacher piano course suggestion , teaching of mode ,etc. this make new thinking to the high teachers the piano course reform

Keywords:  High teachers music education   High teachers piano   Piano lesson 


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