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2014-03-26 01:04

[摘要] 怎样获得歌唱中的高音,是声乐工作者和学习者长期探索和研究的1个重要课题。要在声乐上有所造诣,必须解决高音这1技术性难题,因此,我们对待各种声乐理论和演唱技法关于训练高音方面的方法,要用实践来检验,吸取各家之所长,弃其不足,兼容并蓄,为己所用。

[关键词] 歌唱   高音  方法

Abstract: How sing high pitch in is vocal music teacher and student explore for a long time and an important subject that study. It must solve this technical difficult problem of the high pitch to want the attainments to some extent in the vocal music, so, we treat various kinds of vocal music theories and sing the skill and technique about the method to train high pitch, is it examine with practice to want , draw the strong point of every one , abandon their deficiency , all-embracing, used by oneself.

Key words:  Sing   high pitch   method

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