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摘 要:少儿手风琴演奏技巧的训练是1个非常复杂的过程。如果琴童在入门的时候就采用了正确有效的方法来训练,那么就能为今后的演奏打下良好牢固的基础,所以少儿手风琴的技巧训练过程是1个值得重视和关心的问题。在小时候打好基础,对以后提高演奏水平才会有更大的帮助。
Abstract: The training for the skill is a very complicated course that the juvenile plays accordion. If musical instrument virgin to adopt correct effective method train when rudimentary, lay a good and firm foundation for the play in the future, so the discussion of juveniles accordion teaching method --The understanding that the skill trains course is a problem that is worth paying attention to and caring about with studying. Only laying a solid foundation as a child , would have very heavy help to improve the competence of playing to the afterwards.
Key words: movements are imitated with the exercise, consolidated and moving, practise transliteration and practise the happy relation