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2014-03-31 01:37

摘   要




Motivation is the internal forces and mechanisms to promote and maintain student learning activities.Through learning of the theory of music education and educational psychology, I think that nowadays the formation of good motivation plays  an important role in piano teaching. The article analyses the piano motivation characteristics of children. The article summarizes some basic concepts and some theory of motivation in the West. In the process of learning piano, there are mixed internal and external motivation.The external motivation is the dominant reason in the form of well-motivated when children learn piano.Otherwise the article also analyses the attributed  characteristics in piano learning. Besides of that, The article discourses some factors which affect the formation of learning motivation include the  parents education method, the childrens confidence and the psychological characteristics. Through analysis, the result shows that these factors affect the  formation of good motivation while children learn piano in different degree and play an important role in their education career. (科教范文网http://fw.NSEAC.com编辑发布)
Key words: children; piano learing; good motivation; formation

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