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2014-04-21 01:45

摘   要




Chinas national music is the important component in the national music culture in the world. China is with abundant resources, culture is colorful, many need to go to the research and succession to develop, foundation of national music development of music education of the middle and primary schools. It must have done one since music education of the middle and primary schools to want better inheriting and developing Chinas national music. This text passes the study on national music education current situation of modern middle and primary schools analyze four factors of influencing national music education of the middle and primary school 1t. Includs the teaching material of course, teachers strength, western music and the influence of the pop and peoples music values. Thus seek the corresponding solution. Among them the orientations to the music values of people are important factors of influencing national music education of the middle and primary schools. Modern people, in west weighing apparatus on the value orientation, while valuing the west more than, even while denying with the west. Must change mistake this know , in teaching material , reform of teachers, at the western music, pop and national foundation of combination of music, better Chinese national music of development. 您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。
Keyword: national music; education; value orientation

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