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2014-04-23 01:27

摘   要



Children dance in the study, the base must receive formal training and cultivating a sense of dance, and performance of inspiration and expansion. This requires that teaching children the importance of regulating dance! Standardize teaching in the dance, from kindergarten to secondary school normative standards for teaching dance to give guidance on the principles and specific. See normative teaching children dance, children learn to dance both the normative standards, but also look at teachers teaching dance normative standards, but also looking at dance materials normative standards. We should remember not to ignore the norms of teaching dance, or to cause physical and mental harm children. Teaching materials, teachers and children to learn dance normative have great relations! As a school, we must establish common norms and standards for teaching science due to the standards and norms, as teachers we must correct education, improve their professional quality and the dance teaching and research capabilities of the standard model explains basic theoretical knowledge and dance, professional terminology, the principles of teaching, music, tap the interest of children and learning methods suitable for their dance, then offer them personalized to better benefit from the social teaching children dance, inspiring children actively guide potential for physical and mental health of children, grow, and learn to use reached, even on the continued development of dance loving path. 本文来自中国科教评价网
Key words: Teaching children dance; Standards; Dance based training; Third teaching

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