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2014-04-24 01:15

摘   要



Piano performance is an art of highly technical operation,and is also complicated activity with combination of active skill and mind .Body and mind play a significant role in learning piano.Based on zhe requirement of relaxation of body and mind in the process of piano performance ,the thesis illustrate the importantrole of the relaxation of body and mind and analyzes what is the correct method for it .Theoretically,as long as we relax completely  physically and psychonogically ,we can further improve piano performing  techeniques.Only in this way can we play beautiful music .Therefore,it is essential that we should take the relaxation of body and mind into account during the piano performance .
Key words: piano performance; physical relaxation; psychoncgical relaxation


    上一篇:论“以人为本”理念在音乐教学中的应用 下一篇:试论音乐通感在音乐欣赏中的运用