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2014-05-17 01:15

摘   要



Opera-appreciating require us to store up much knowledge of different aspects in our minds, in daily life, We gain access to opera by listening to arias from operas, which, strictly speaking could not be a guarantee that. We understand opera art fully and take in the essence of opera. In order to understand fully and master the essence of opera, writer attempts to probe into this problems from four aspects after making full explanations involving the origination development and style of opera firstly. We can reach our goal of opera-appreciating by listening to and analyzing famous songs in opera; Secondly. We can appreciate opera through comparison between starting with the features of opera-singing; lastly, We can also appreciate and understand deeply. Opera by way of studying the difference among opera’s editions.

(科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

Key words: Opera art; Aria; Appreciation; Singing feature; Edition-contrasting

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