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2014-06-29 01:03

摘   要



     The aim of education is to train primary and secondary music students love music life, and foster life-long learning music aspirations. This article threads up "New Music Curriculum Standard" to propose "the interest is studies the music the basic power, is the student and the music keeps the close contact, enjoys the music, beautifies the life with the music the premise" The important curriculum idea, at present the majority elementary and middle school students does not fall in love with the music class through the analysis the present situation, launched from ten aspects to has raised the elementary and middle schools music interest the elaboration, and deferred to the different level the elementary and middle schools student psychology and the physiological development characteristic, further to raised the elementary and middle school students music interest to carry on a more detailed elaboration. Moreover, after the antithesis changes, appears some undesirable tendencies, like the one-sided pursue classroom atmosphere, excessively emphasized phenomenon and so on discipline synthesis proposed own some opinions, are helpful to the music classroom instruction to the good tendency development.


Key words: music; interest; stimulation; courses

目   录

摘要 I
Abstract II
绪论 1
1、兴趣与音乐学习的关系 1
1. 兴趣的定义 1
2. 兴趣与音乐学习的关系 2
2、培养中小学生音乐兴趣的具体措施 2
1. 中小学音乐教学的现状分析 2
2. 培养中小学生音乐兴趣的具体措施 3
3. 不同年龄阶段的中小学生音乐兴趣的培养 7
3、音乐兴趣培养中应当注意的几点问题 9
1. 把握学科综合的“度” 9
2. 把握教学表演的“度” 9
3. 把握多媒体运用的“度” 9
结语 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12


    上一篇:浅谈声乐表演艺术中的心理问题 下一篇:湖南省农村小学音乐教育现状分析