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2014-07-20 01:14

[摘 要] 我国音乐心理学思想的产生可追溯至春秋战国时代。尔后,历代的乐论、哲学美学论著及其它史书中,都有不少有关音乐心理学思想的真知灼见。由于社会政治、经济等各种原因,该学科从建国到1979年处于沉寂阶段。但随后的210年则是中国音乐心理学发展的活跃阶段,该学科明确了自己的学科性质、研究对象和研究方法;学术队伍初步建立;研究成果纷呈迭出;研究者广泛吸取西方心理学各流派的学说,取其精华,为我所用。心理学将成为21世纪前沿的带头科学之1,由于音乐界众多学者的参与,使音乐心理学的发展极具潜力与生命力。
[关键词]  中国    音乐心理学    发展

Abstract: The music psychology thought in China can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Period of Warring States. Since then, there has been high perspicacity about music psychology thoughts among such books as music theory, philosophy, aesthetics, and history. Because of the political, economic reasons of the society etc. that course was in the silent stage from the nation was found till 1979.But the next 20years was the active development stage of Chinese music psychology, in which the course objective and research methods of the music psychology in China become explicit, academic groups are gradually in formation, academic achievements come one after another. The researchers make the best use of the essence of the theories of the western psychology schools. Psychology will be one of the leading sceiences in the 21st century, and thus of the music psychology will definitely have great potential and vitality in developing itself owing to the participation of scholars in music circles. 大学排名
Key words: China   music psychology   development    

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