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2014-08-08 02:50

[摘要] 高师音乐教育以培养合格的中小学音乐师资为目的。声乐教学在高师音乐教育专业中占有重要地位。长期以来,我国高师声乐教学1直沿用专业音乐院校的“1对1”的教学模式,特别是在中小学音乐新课标实施的今天,这种模式逐渐脱离了培养目标。近年来,我国高师声乐教学的改革取得了1些成效,但还存在许多不足,特别是缺乏完整的理论体系。本文根据音乐新课标所需要的合格师资,针对我国高师声乐教学的现状就声乐教学改革中如何体现“师”提出1些建议。
[关键词] 高师声乐教学   教学理念   教学模式

Abstract:The music education of the high normal colleges and schools regards training the qualified music teachers of middle and primary schools as object. Vocal music teaching occupy the important status of the speciality in high music education of normal colleges and schools. For a long time, the vocal music teaching of the high normal colleges and schools of our country has been continuing to use the teaching modes " one to one " of the specialized music universities and colleges all the time , especially today, the new lesson of middle and primary schools music is marked and implemented, this kind of mode has broken away from the train objective gradually. In recent years , have made some effects in the reforms in education of vocal music of the high normal colleges and schools of our country, but exist more insufficient , especially lack the intact theoretical system. This text foundation new music course qualified teachers standard need, to of our country high teacher on how vocal music reflect " teacher " proposes some suggestions of the reform in education current situation, vocal music of teaching.
Keyword:Vocal music teaching of the high normal colleges and schools        Teaching idea      Teaching mode


    上一篇:论民族唱法中融入美声唱法 下一篇:浅析音乐与相关文化的学科综合