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2014-08-12 01:07

[摘 要] 本文主要是以我在湘潭地区教育实习过程中,所发现的教师素质与课堂安排问题为探讨中心进行论述,力求音乐教学体现教育深化改革,全面推进素质教育的基本精神, 体现以音乐审美为核心,实现美育,使学习内容生动有趣,丰富多彩,引导学生主动参与音乐实践,尊重个体的不同音乐体验和学习方式。以便提高学生的审美能力,发展学生的创造性思维,形成良好的人文素质,为学生终身喜爱音乐,学习音乐,享受音乐奠定良好的基础。

[关键词] 音乐教育  教师素质  课堂安排  实行

[ Abstract ] this article mainly is by me in the Xiangtan area practice teaching process,Discovered the teacher quality and the classroom arrangement question carries on the elaboration for the discussion center,Makes every effort music teaching to manifest the education deepening reform,Comprehensive advancement education for all-around development basic spirit, Manifests is esthetic take music as the core,Realization esthetic education,Vividly causes the study content to be interesting,Richly colorful,Guides the student to participate in music practice on own initiative,Respect individual different music experience and study way. In order to sharpens students esthetic ability,Develops students creative thought, forms the good humanities quality,For student lifelong affection music,Study music,Enjoys music to lay the good foundation.

[ Key word ] music educates  the teacher quality   classroom arrangement

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