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2014-08-10 01:04

摘要:  本文从两个方面分析和阐述了多媒体、信息技术对于中小学音乐教学产生的作用以及如何合理的将其运用到音乐课中去。随着《音乐课程》标准的颁布和音乐课程改革的深入,音乐课堂教学无论从思想、方法、过程、形式上都正在进行着深刻的变化。这1改革和变化使音乐教学中对多媒体技术的运用从过去0星的个人行为变成大规模的课程需要,其作用日益得到重视。这些都明确了音乐新课程对多媒体技术的要求,确立了多媒体技术在音乐新课程中的地位。

Abstract: This article analyzed from two aspects and elaborated multimedia, the information technology the function which did produce regarding the elementary and middle schools music teaching as well as is how reasonable utilizes it to the music lesson in. Along with "Music Curriculum" the standard thorough which promulgates the chord happy curriculum to reform, music classroom instruction regardless of from the thought, the method, the process, the form all is carrying on the deep transformation. This reform and the change caused in music teaching to turn the large-scale curriculum need to the multimedia technical utilization from the past fragmentary personal behavior, its function obtained day by day takes. "Music Curriculum" the standard fourth part of implementation suggestion center explicitly proposed and promotes with great effort using the modern education technology method develops the multimedia teaching auxiliary software ..
Key word: The multimedia information technology, the esthetic ability,appreciates America, imagines America, creates America, the teaching method, reasonable application

    上一篇:柔韧性训练在舞蹈教学中的作用 下一篇:没有了