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2014-08-08 02:52


关键词:多媒体  音乐教育 素质教育 教学手段

Abstract:Now in the world, the science and technology progresses by leaps and bounds, and people have seen the clue of the  knowledge economy. Besides,the national strength competition becoming more and more intense. Specially the global information network which take the computer popularization as the foundation and the digitized technology as the premise, is accelerating the process of global becoming an information based society. The computer has been played an important role in the model and method exploration of music educational, which caused the quantitive leap from the traditional teaching method to the modern one in music education. But it also have some urgent problems need to solve in the practice: the unbalancement between the computer popularization and the digital music technology method;  The multimedia technology replaces all or the majority of teaching method, reduced or even neglected teachers leading role  and so on.

Key words: Multimedia  Music education  Education for all-around development 
Teaching method (科教范文网http://fw.ΝsΕΑc.com编辑)

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