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2014-08-08 02:52

摘 要





From 2004, with big and rapid success, the program called as "Super Girls", popular in the whole country and attracting millions of viewers’ eyeballs, has become a super platform for many people to rapidly change life. On one hand, it inosculates with the young people’s psychological characteristics. On the other hand, it also exposes some psychological problems of the youth today. These psychological problems have extended and encouraged the "Super Girl".
In the climate of reformation and opening, under the serious impact of the market economy, the concept of the supremacy of money has spread widely. “Super Girls” phenomenon helped Chinas students’ absurd idea of "studying useless", so that their childish idea of “sang and danced as stars “get into a situation of no end!
This paper will present the impacts of "super girls" phenomenon on the modern vocal education and youth mentality, and make in-depth analysis and description, and propose solutions as can as possible for communication.

Key words: Super Girl; vocal education; singing-star heat; impacts


    上一篇:音乐教育中多媒体教学的弊端 下一篇:没有了