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2014-08-18 01:24

[摘要] 音乐新课程标准的颁布,积极倡导了1种新的音乐教育理念,体现了注重个性发展,鼓励音乐创造的人本主义思想.本文在深刻理解音乐新课程标准对音乐的个性强调基础上,结合在音乐的个性培养实践当中所出现的1些缺失问题,以1种科学发展观的思路提出了音乐的个性培养的对策与方法.

[关键词] 新课程标准 音乐的个性 误区 对策
Abstract:The promulgation of music new course standard,positively proposed a kind of new education principle, reflected emphasizing the character development, encouraged the humanism thought in music creation. on the foundation of deep comprehended the new course standard which emphasize the music character , combining some imperfection problems that appears in the practice of music character development, the text using a science developing view put forward  the strategy and method to develop the music character

Key words:  new course standard   music character    misunderstand area   strategy

    上一篇:试析我国军旅歌曲的艺术特征 下一篇:对《新音乐课程标准》实施的思考