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2014-07-10 01:30
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,汉语言文学毕业论文(绝对原创)论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 也无风雨也无晴——从《玉卿嫂》到《永远的尹雪艳》看白先勇
也无风雨也无晴——从《玉卿嫂》到《永远的尹雪艳》看白先勇的命运意识的转变 内容摘要
伟大的作家必然在他的作品中融入个人的生命体验,而伟大的作品也必然反映着作家的心灵感悟.作家白先勇和他的作品无疑体现了这一点.白先勇的命运意识隐含在他的作品中,从初探到成熟,在具有代表性的文本的对比分析下,我们可以清晰地发现白先勇命运意识由懵懂到觉醒,由困顿到觉悟,由挫折到命定,由激烈到平淡的转变的轨迹。作者认为人的命运一般由两部分组成:造化赋予人的命运和人自身对命运的态度。本论文的正文论述将从三个角度对白先勇的命运意识作详细分析:第一部分主要是看作者怎样为主人公安排命运的,因为这种安排也反映了作者命运意识的走向,也正是在这样的安排中我们也能发现作者的良苦用心。同时我们又可以发现作者的精心安排由于他意识的转变而有所改变;第二部分主要是看作者笔下的人物如何看看待人生,如何来对待作者为她们安排的命运。从她们的人生态度里,我们可以看出作者命运意识流变的全景。尽管安排人物命运和人物的人生态度都是出自作者笔下,反映的却是作者的态度和意识。第三部分主要是从作者的写作方式和角度看作者命运意识的转变,这往往最能说明作者的意图。本文主要是论述白先勇在小说创作过程中流露出的命运观的转变。付费论文,节选,不要骂我。敬请关注,我在想办法搞整篇论文。[2006.8.25] : 对不起大家了,今天才想起这事来,付费论文太贵了,只好推荐一篇免费的论文:汉语言文学毕业论文(免费)
Great writer by all means melt into the individual experience personallies of the life in his work, and great of destiny consciousness that mind that work also by all means reflect the author to disillusion. the writer Baixianyong is with his work doubtless now this point. Baixianyong is implicit in his work, from investigate to mature, under the contrast analysis that have the text of the representative this, we can clearly discovers baixianyong destiny consciousness from the Disunderstanding to come to, and be arrived by exhaustedly to the disillusion, from the frustrate the destine, and be arrived by vehemence mild change of trace. The destiny that author think the person is general to be constituted by two parts: The nature that build the destiny gives the person with the person's oneself attitude towards destiny. Text that destiny consciousness that this thesis discuss will from three angle dialogues Baixianyong make the detailed analysis: The first the part primarily see the author to how line up the destiny for host public security official of, because this kind of the arrangement also reflected the author destiny the consciousness's alignmented, and also exactly at the arrangement that like this inside we also can author is discovered good and bitter diligently. We can again discovers author of with meticulous care arranging because of the change of his consciousness at the same time but have the changes; The second part primarily is which see author's style of writing how person is seen act towards people to living, and how to come treating the author the destiny that arrange for them. From the attitude of their human life, we can see the author destiny consciousness the panorama that change. Despite human life attitude that arrangement person the destiny all come from the author's style of writing with the person, and reflect of however is the author's attitude with the consciousness. The third part is to primarily is a method from the composing of author to see the author destiny the consciousness's change with angle, and this can usually and most explain the author's intention. This text primarily discusses the baixianyong the change of the destiny that show unintentionally in the cloak-and-dagger artistic process.
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