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2014-09-15 01:00

An Analysis on Linguistic Features of Slogan Languages in English Advertisements
This thesis presents an analytical study of the linguistic features of slogan languages in English advertisements at lexical, syntactic and rhetoric levels and states some affects of this study towards human life. In order to conduct a convincing and powerful study, I will show lots of examples, most of which come from coca-cola’ slogans, to prove that.
This thesis will be presented in five parts. The first part is the introduction and the last part conclusion. The second part states the definition and classification of slogan. The focus of this thesis is laid on the third part which respectively analyses slogan linguistic features at lexical, syntactical and rhetorical levels. The fourth part states some affects of study on human life. It is hoped that the study can shed light on the linguistic features of slogan language in English advertisements and also provide help to learners and advertisers.
Key Words: English advertisement; slogan; linguistic features; coca-cola

摘  要



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