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Cultural Politics of Gender in Char

2014-09-26 01:00
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名称: Cultural Politics of Gender in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

名称: 论夏洛特.勃朗特《简爱》中性别文化 英文网

关键词:性别文化建构 cultural construction of gender性别主体 gendered subject父权 patriarchy性压迫 sexual oppression简爱 Jane Eyre

[摘要]  本尝试从性别文化政治的角度来重新诠释简爱中性别的议题。阐述在维多利亚时期的父权社会中,女主角简爱如何反抗当时的女性理想形象、反抗父权论述实践,及挑战当时的性别权利关系。 中国网-英文版






  第4章主要论述简爱如何抵抗Rochester 及St. John的诱惑,而不至于成为Rochester的情妇及St. John有名无实的妻子,并阐述简爱如何寻找到自我,成为自己的主人而非Rochester及St. John的他者。此外,这1章将Bertha诠释为维多利亚时代性压迫下1个被压制的主体;但这并不表示Bertha就毫无权力可言,她透过暴力来展现对父权的反抗。


(转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )



[摘要]  This thesis attempts to provide an interpretation of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre in terms of cultural politics of gender by exploring the ways in which Jane Eyre resists being an en-gendered subject as an angel in the house and conforming to the ideal image of womanhood embedded in the network of power relations and discursive practices of the Victorian Age.  In Chapter One, Introduction, I review the critical essays abroad and at home, and point out two reasons for rereading the already much discussed novel. For one thing, whether or not Jane is subversive to the traditional roles of women has been constantly debated and yet far from settled; for the other, there is yet no sound and systematic study on how the gender role is constructed and how Jane resists being an en-gendered subject and empowers herself. In this chapter I introduce the methodology—cultural politics of gender which is a combination of the ideas of such feminist critics Weedon and Jordan and Foucault’s idea of power.  In Chapter Two, I represent the ideal image of womanhood in the early Victorian Age so as to offer a vivid comparison to Jane Eyre. Creating a heroine alienating from the Victorian ideal image of womanhood, Bront? aroused lots of hostile responses when the first edition of Jane Eyre was published in 1847. Bront? and Jane were accused of doing unconventional deeds and subverting social, political and religious institutions. Meanwhile, the contemporary negative reviews manifest that the novel really challenged the Victorian cultural norms and ideal image of womanhood.  In Chapter Three, I illustrate how the three cultural institutions—family, school, and religion, which coincide with Gateshead, Lowood, and the representatives of Christianity in the novel—function to en-gender Jane as an expected gendered subject through discursive practices, discipline and punishment, and how Jane revolts against their power.  In Chapter Four, I mainly focus on Jane’s resistance to the temptation of becoming Rochester’s mistress and St. John’s nominal wife, and on Jane’s quest for her identity as her own mistress. In addition, the mad woman, Bertha, is read as a subjugated subject under the sexual oppression in the Victorian patriarchal society. Under the sexual regulation, Bertha isn’t a powerless woman; instead, she demonstrates her resistance to the patriarchy through violence.In the last chapter I summarize the main points of the preceding chapters and point out the room for further study. In this thesis, the issues of class and race are overlooked. According to Weedon and Jordan, these three terms, gender, class, and race are all culturally constructed, not natural. They contribute to difference and inequality. Therefore, I suggest that the two issues in Jane Eyre can also be discussed in the light of cultural politics of class and race.

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