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2014-09-23 01:43

On the Cultural Differences and Comparison of Nonverbal Communication in Chinese and English


Human communication has two forms: verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication includes all of the communicative acts beyond verbal communication. According to Birdwhistell, there is only about 30 percent information transmitted by verbal behaviors in the whole communication for the people of the same culture. Some American studies even show us that there is only 7 percent information transmitted by verbal language while 93 percent is transmitted by nonverbal language when people express their feelings and attitudes. From that, we can see what an important role nonverbal communication plays in communication. This thesis summarizes first the definition, domains and functions of nonverbal communication. It continues to discuss the cultural differences, focusing on nonverbal behaviors. Cultural misunderstandings and conflicts occur frequently in intercultural communication, so the thesis tries to compare Chinese nonverbal behaviors to English nonverbal behaviors from the following four aspects: body language, paralanguage, object language and environmental language. Finally, this thesis analyses the significance of intercultural nonverbal communication study. This thesis aims to improve the cultural awareness of Chinese people in the aspect of nonverbal communication when they are communicating with people from English-speaking countries.

Key Words: nonverbal communication; intercultural nonverbal communication;
cultural differences; comparative study
摘  要



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    上一篇:浅析英汉语言中的性别歧视现象及其根源 下一篇:英语广告的语言特征