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2014-09-22 01:05

The Communicative Functions of Vague Language in Daily Conversation


In daily speech communication, vague language is an indispensable part. Until now, researchers at home and abroad haven’t made deeper and more comprehensive studies on the communicative functions of the appropriate use of vague language in daily conversation. This thesis, based on the previous studies, and analyzes the communicative functions of vague language in daily conversation, by focusing on the relationship between the appropriate use of vague language and the maxims of Quantity and Quality. Vague language can be used to offer information, or to deliberately withhold information, to fill information gaps, to emphasize the tone of the speaker and so on. This thesis discusses also the issue of vagueness in relation to politeness. Inappropriate use of vague language usually results in impolite implicatures and makes the utterances a face-threatening act. This thesis also indicates the effects of the appropriate use of vague language in a concrete context. In a word, this thesis is dedicated to the study of vague language in daily conversation, trying to enable people to communicate better.
Key Words: pragmatic context; politeness strategy; vague language; conversation implicature theory; maxim

摘  要



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