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2014-09-19 03:24

Textual Features of English Advertisement and Its Translation


With the globalization of world economy, English advertising and its translation are becoming more and more significant. English Advertising is exerting great influence on every aspect of social life with its charm. However, the studies available of English advertising texts and their translation in China are far from satisfactory and traditional theories on translation seem increasingly inadequate. First of all, a discussion of the major linguistic features of English advertising texts is conducted from three perspectives: lexical, grammatical and rhetorical aspects. Next, basic theories of translation are introduced, including the principles of different schools of translation. Then, under the guidance of these principles, the most usual methods—literal translation and free translation—are used to translate English advertising texts. Analysis and translation of many English examples employed in this thesis demonstrate that the above-mentioned principles and methods are practical and applicable.

Key Words: advertising; textural features of English advertising; literal translation;  free translation

摘  要




(科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)


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