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2014-09-18 01:29

Legal Language Translation and Legal Stylistics


    With the Reform and Opening Up, Chinas foreign exchanges have been considerably expanded, and the legal system construction in our country has also been improved at an amazing speed. Under such a circumstance, the research on legal language and legal translation has been receiving more and more attention. Especially after Chinas accession to the World Trade Organization, the discussion on the English & Chinese translation of the legal documents of Chinas WTO entry further makes the legal translation a social focus. To require that the translation of legal language and legal stylistics should be correct and precise at most, the translation should tally with the characteristics of them and the translating custom. Thus we should understand the relationship between legal language translation and legal stylistics and consider the applicability of them. This thesis mainly consists of four parts: at first, the definition of legal language was presented, then the characteristics of legal language;the second part introduced some skills in translating legal texts from Chinese to English and English to Chinese; the third part has stated the types and features of legal stylistics, followed by some corresponding translation methods at the end; the last part mainly discussed the relationship between legal language translation and legal stylistics.

Key Words: legal language; characteristics; translation; legal stylistics; relationship

摘  要

改革开放以来,我国的对外交流日益频繁,法制建设也不断完善。在此背景下,对法律语言和法律翻译的研究已逐步引起我国法律界与法律界人士的重视。尤其在我国加入世贸以后,针对我国入世法律文件译文的讨论与评价更使法律翻译成为各方关注的焦点。要使法律语言和法律文体翻译的准确度和精确度达到最大化,翻译应该与其特点和翻译习俗相符合, 所以我们不仅要理解法律语言翻译与法律文体之间的关系,并且要考虑到它们的适应性问题。文章主要分为4个部分:第1部分首先对法律语言进行定义,分析其特点;第2部分专门针对中英法律翻译进行技巧分析,包括英译中和中译英;第3部分主要对法律文体进行简单定义和分类,然后针对其特征提出翻译方法;第4部分研究法律语言翻译与法律文体的关系。

关键词: 法律语言、特征、翻译、法律文体、关系




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