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2014-09-16 02:10

A Brief Analysis of Humorous Style in English Language


Nowadays the study of humor has already become a special and independent discipline. This thesis intends to give a brief analysis of humorous style in English language. Humorous style mainly consists of the use of English vocabulary and the different underlined meaning of the sentence. The formation of humorous style is also closely related to rhetoric, such as hyperbole, contrast, metaphor, irony, zeugma, parody and pun. This article makes a preliminary discussion about humor in written language especially in the literature. The first part begins with the definition and the importance of humor, and the author tries to introduce the formation of humorous style in the second part. The following part, the author carries out a specific analysis of the relationship between humor and rhetoric. In the conclusion, the author points out the importance of understanding humor in English. The goal of this thesis is to deepen our understanding of humor.

Key Words: humor; style; English language; rhetoric; humorous effect

摘  要



.............. (转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )

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