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2014-09-15 01:00

Sexism in English Language

Sexism, broadly speaking, refers to a gender bias. Such a bias mainly refers to the discrimination against women, and the discrimination against women exists all over the world and in all aspects of social life, with linguistic discrimination included. Since the feminist movement in 1960s, sexism in language has been an important research subject for feminist linguists. The research on such a subject helps to draw the public attention to such a phenomenon and urge the world to find ways to eliminate such discrimination. This thesis attempts to make a study of sexism in language through comparison and giving examples at the lexical and semantic level, aiming at foregrounding those hidden differences in the representation and treatment of women and men in language. The thesis also gives some suggestions as to how to banish the sexism in English language to raise people’s awareness, which serves as a prelude to the elimination of sexism.

Key Words: sexism; English language ; vocabulary; semantics; desexism

摘  要

性别歧视,从广义上来讲是指对某1性别的偏见,这种偏见又更多地是对女性的歧视,歧视女性的现象存在于社会生活的方方面面, 其中语言上的歧视也不例外。自20世纪60年代女权主义运动以来, 英语语言中的性别歧视1直是女权主义语言学家研究的重要课题,对此课题的研究有助于引起大家的重视,进而去寻找消除这种歧视的途径。本文以语言学,特别是女权主义语言学的理论为基础, 通过比较和举例等方法从词汇和语义两个层面来分析英语语言中的性别歧视现象,挖掘语言中隐藏的性别差异,并在的最后提出1些消除语言中性别歧视的建议, 旨在唤醒人们的意识, 达到真正摒弃性别歧视的目的。





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