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2014-09-17 01:05

On Linguistic Features in Advertising English


Advertising takes many forms, in most of which, however, language is of crucial importance and the language is required to be simple and sweet. Thus a comprehensive analysis on the linguistic features in advertising English is worthwhile. As advertising English is characterized by many special features, there arises the demand that the advertising copywriter be engaged in creative writing. It is to be understood that advertising English is not merely a business of words, but also a kind of original English with its peculiar features. This thesis tries to study advertising language in linguistic perspectives and employs the following two approaches: the analytic method, by which to examine advertising English and its linguistic features; and the paradigmatic method, by which to exemplify specific cases for the illustration of the described features. As advertising English is characterized by unique morphology and syntax and as so many rhetorical devices are found in it, this thesis presents an analytical study of the linguistic features in English advertisements at lexical, syntactic and rhetorical levels. It is hoped that by studying the linguistic features of advertising English this thesis will be of some help in comprehending and translating English advertisements for those copywriters and advertising English learners.

Key Words: advertising English; linguistic features; morphology; syntax; rhetorical devices

摘 要






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