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2014-09-18 01:29

Language Features of Advertising Slogan


This thesis presents an analytical study of language features of advertising slogan at lexical, syntactic and rhetorical levels. In order to conduct a data-driven study, the author builds a corpus of 70 advertising slogans. It is hoped that language features of advertising slogan can be summarized through the detailed survey of all kinds of advertising slogans. The main body of this thesis has four parts. The first part is the definition of advertisement and advertising slogan. The focus is laid on the middle three parts, which analyze respectively the language features of advertising slogan at lexical, syntactic and rhetorical levels. As a special kind of language, advertising language is very different from common language. And the language of advertising slogan is the core of advertisement. There are different types of advertisements, and there are different consumers. By analyzing the features of different kinds of advertising slogans, this thesis tries to enable the designer of advertising slogan to compose more attractive ones.

Key Words: advertisement; slogan; lexical; syntactic; rhetorical

摘  要



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