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2014-10-07 01:08
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,从李清照的词风变化看其心路历程样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘   要


According to her experience and experience in all ones life, Li Qingzhaos word is divided into two periods from beginning to end. Her previous life is leisurely and comfortable and happy , so her previous word is extremely lucid and elegant , unoccupied and refined , the content is limited to the feeling life of the boudoir. Previous most word write oneself part feeling of feeling of lovesickness especially love, belong to the traditional subject matter of the word. We can realize she is easy , the happy life and nobleness of girl from a good family of her feudal society in her previous works . With the extinction of the imperial court in the people of the Jin Dynastys invasion Northern Song Dynasty,After the south cross, husband Zhao MingCheng serving of her die in the alien land, Li Qingzhaos life has changed too, so, the word mainly describes ones own distress on her later stage , but write among them the country is defeated and the home lost, there are certain positive social effects from the not soil of township. Experience that pair of her really with beautiful pursuit and noble and unsullied , self-respect , personality and quality of improving oneself during the process of studying Li Qingzhaos word, the works are soul poetic masterpieces of times of that suffering even more on her later stage , full of resisting and unyielding spirit . (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com
Key words: Li Qingzhao; Boudoir feelings and language; Virtuous young woman mood; Thinking of the family country; Tactful chilly relative; Idea course.

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