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2014-11-06 01:15
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,通过《说文解字》看我国古代农业作物论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘  要:本文主要通过分析《说文解字》中记载的有关我国古代农业作物的字,来了解我国古代农业作物的状况。《说文解字》是我国古代社会的百科全书,保存了大量的有关古代社会状况的资料,其中我国上古至两汉时期的农业作物情况也在《说文》中体现得淋漓尽致。本文从粮食作物和蔬菜作物两个方面对《说文》中所保存的有关我国上古至两汉时期农业作物的字进行分类述说并加以考证。通过这种分析研究,试图对我国上古至两汉时期的农业作物有所了解,以利于以后的学习和研究。

关键词:许慎   《说文解字》   古代   农业作物



Abstract: This text through analysing the word about ancient agricultural crop of our country recorded while Shuowen Jiezi mainly, to understand the state of the ancient agricultural crop of our country. Shuowen Jiezi is the encyclopaedia of the ancient society of our country, keep a large number of materials about ancient social state, our country among them reflect to two agricultural crop situation, Chinese of period thoroughly in it is gentle to say too ancient times. This text, from two respects of the cereal crops and vegetables crop to it is gentle to talk ing What China keeps classify and state and criticize about the word of agricultural crop from ancient times to Han Dinasty periods of our country. Through this kind of analysis and research , attempt to understand to the ancient times of our country to some extent to the agricultural crop of period of Han Dinasty, study and studying after in order to benefiting.

Key words:Xu Shen   Shuowen Jiezi   Ancient times   Agricultural crop

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